Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Welcome to my cozy little porch swing in the blogosphere where we can sit together and read Letters In The Heart. These letters express the open sea of emotions that ebb and flow inside of my heart. Like infinite pebbles, they’ve tumbled across an abrasive sandy shoreline becoming smoother over time but nowhere near polished or pretty.

The glowing maternal lighthouse that I trust and rely on to direct me through dark nights and thick fogs exists only in my dreams. With fortress and foundation damaged, my mother has rarely had the fortitude to sustain her own energy let alone to be my guiding light. Letters In The Heart is an exploration of the complex and emotional relationship that exists between me and my mom who has lived with abuse, depression, low self-esteem, and hopelessness for most of her life. Mother Daughter relationships seem to be universally and notoriously difficult, and depression (as a form of mental illness) can be as debilitating as running aground at sea.

Maybe my repressed Letters In The Heart will unlock your repressed letters and move you to create a deeper understanding, compassion, or love for your own mother. Maybe even for yourself.

The journey begins. Now.